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Chapel House and Imcon - innovation in practice

CHTC and Imcon have been working collaboratively ever since Keith and Rebecca met on a coach development programme, shortly before to the 2020 lockdown.

Although their backgrounds and specialisms were different, Keith and Rebecca found that they both had a passion for supporting individual and organisational learning, development, and growth, that they were both frustrated by the number of development programmes in the marketplace that look glossy but which are not evidence-based and which fail to deliver meaningful growth and change, and that and that they both draw upon their coaching skills to facilitate, empower, enable, challenge and develop clients.

The discovery that the founders of both organisations were driven to design and deliver high quality, evidence-based learning and development opportunities has, so far, produced executive development programmes in strategic leadership and governance which have been successfully rolled out in the UK and a new post-graduate level qualification in ‘Leading Strategic Innovation and Entrepreneurship’ has been developed and will launch in 2024.

To scaffold our new ‘Innovation and Entrepreneurship’ programme Keith and Rebecca produced a position paper and spoke at a conference on the role of coaching in developing agile and innovating organisations

This paper produced by Keith and Rebecca also provides the foundations for a much broader and ongoing piece of research into the relationship between organisational innovation, agility, and coaching.

Our website is currently undergoing redesign and the Innovation and Entrepreneurship page will launch on 7 December 2023, at this time the paper will be available as a download, so please do revisit us then...

...and of course watch this space for news on our partnership growth throughout 2024.